invalidate •\(ˌ)in-ˈva-lə-ˌdāt\• verb
1. declare or show to be invalid; render weak or ineffective, as an argument
2. make invalid for use
3. take away the legal force of or render ineffective
The word invalidate simply means to make something no longer valid. 'My ski pass is no longer good. The date is past. It is invalid.'
“Puerto Rico Extends Deadline for Birth Certificates,” by Isolde Raftery:
Last December, in an effort to curb passport fraud, the Puerto Rican legislature created a new, more secure birth certificate that would be available as of July 1. The initial plan was to
invalidate all previously issued birth certificates as of the same date. But on Friday, the government finalized a measure that keeps the old birth certificates valid until Sept. 30, while also making the new certificates available as of Thursday.
… For decades, it was common practice for Puerto Ricans to order a dozen copies of their birth certificates and hand them out to just about anyone – the ballet instructor, the elementary school secretary, the prospective employer.
It seemed a benign practice, one borne of habit more than necessity. But in time, it resulted in rampant fraud.